Constitution and Policies
AULSS Mission Statement
The mission of the Adelaide University Law Students Society (AULSS) is to represent all law students equally, to provide a positive law school experience, and to prepare students for life beyond university.
The AULSS will strive to achieve this mission statement by adopting the following core strategies and beliefs:
Connecting students to professional networks and employment opportunities across a range of career pathways;
Supporting students to develop legal, professional and academic skills;
Advocating for social justice and equity issues and supporting student well-being;
Coordinating competitions that develop valuable legal and non-legal skills; and
Encouraging the creation of personal connections through social events designed to bring students together.
2025 Constitution
The conduct of the AULSS is governed by its Constitution. This document sets out the powers and duties of the AULSS and its office bearers. It also regulates membership and internal matters, sets out our meeting procedures, and includes rules regarding the AULSS election process. Our Constitution, with the 2024 SGM amendments, is available for download. Click on the image to access.
Privacy Policy
The AULSS Privacy Policy has been produced to inform you of the AULSS’ policies and practices in respect of your personal information.
Attendance Policy
The AULSS Attendance Policy provides a handy one stop shop guide for the attendance requirements and expectations for AULSS events and meetings, including for sponsored events, for Committee members.
Grievance Policy
The AULSS Grievance Policy is dedicated to promote and protect the wellbeing of both Society and Committee Members by giving students an avenue to raise incidents or concerns which they may have faced through an AULSS related event or initiative.
Competitions Policy
The AULSS Competitions Policy was passed 20 February 2023 by the AULSS Executive. It codifies the operations of the Competitions Program and establishes the Competitions Subcommittee, Code of Conduct, Conflict of Interest Policy, Disciplinary Register and Covid-19 Policy. It further outlines the financing policy for students who the AULSS sends to external competitions and the procedure for virtually competing.
Endowment Fund Policy
The Endowment Fund Policy ensures the financial longevity and orderly maintenance of the AULSS Endowment Fund by establishing an independent income stream.
Volunteering Recognition Policy
The AULSS Volunteering Recognition Policy provides a mechanism by which AULSS Committee members who perform above and beyond their nominal duties can be rewarded and recognised for their work.
Sustainability Policy
The AULSS Sustainability Policy has been produced to attempt to reduce waste, conserve resources, and promote recycling while carrying out its business and activities. It also encourages the AULSS to promote environmentally friendly practices to its members, the Adelaide Law School, and stakeholders where appropriate.
Hilarian Editorial Policy
The Hilarian Editorial Policy regulates the publication of content by the Hilarian, as well as the powers and duties of the magazine editors. The policy also serves to limit risk to the Society while protecting the editorial freedom of magazine editors.
Event and Initiative Approval Policy
The Event and Initiative Approval Policy defines the process by which major events and initiatives of the Society shall be approved, and also ensures that the Executive is aware of, and can adequately guide and monitor, the creation of events and initiatives held in its name. The policy also serves to promote accessibility as a key factor in the creation of events and initiatives of the Society.
AULSS Election Rules
The AULSS Election Rules provides the framework for a transparent, effective, and representative electoral process for the AULSS.